
The Directory of the Ministry is a service-oriented publication and advertising space is provided for use by those who offer or provide a service for the constituency this book is designed to serve. The Editor and/or the Advisory Board reserve the right to refuse any advertisement which in their opinion is not suitable to or in harmony with the character and purpose of this publication. However, the appearance of an ad here does not necessarily imply endorsement.

Why Advertise?

Advantages to Advertiser:

  1. Products (books, records, gift items, etc.) and services (evangelists, contractors, etc.) not otherwise mentioned or listed in the Directory can be presented and announced through paid advertisements.
  2. Pictures of people, places, buildings, etc. which help to reflect the character and personality of a particular church or agency can be included in advertising space.
  3. Pertinent information which does not appear in the regular listing can be given through space or classified ads.
  4. Timely occurrences (such as furlough dates of missionaries) can be brought to the attention of churches and church leaders through advertising.

Advantages to Constituency:

  1. You may find in these advertising pages just the product or service you are looking for at any given time.
  2. The reader gains a better perspective of the schools, institutions, agencies, etc., which introduce themselves in the advertising pages with pictures, statistics, facts, and other data.
  3. Advertisements add to the usefulness of the Directory besides lending color and variety to its pages.
  4. Advertising fees help underwrite publication costs, thus keeping the price of the book lower than it would be otherwise.

It pays to advertise in the Directory of the Ministry!
  • Select Clientele! (Churches & church leaders)
  • Year-long Exposure! (Readers refer to book often)
  • Reasonable Rates! (Considering circulation & use)
  • Attractive Layouts! (Plan your own or we’ll do them for you)

Rates for advertising in the Directory of the Ministry are:

  • Special Features Section (in front of Directory):
One ColorTwo Color
1/8 page$59$74
1/4 page$107$133
1/2 page$184$230
3/4 page$243$304
Full page$303$380
Two page$554$693
Additional pages in sequence$267$333
  • Advertising Section (in back of Directory):
One ColorTwo Color
1/8 page$44$55
1/4 page$80$101
1/2 page$139$174
3/4 page$194$241
Full page$235$295
Two pages$436$545
Additional pages in sequence$212$266